
What are Bubble issues in the hydraulic oil system?

Posted by Hamid Shakouri on 3rd Sep 2024

What are Bubble issues in the hydraulic oil system?

Poor air release ability can damage parts of a system by Incomplete oil film coverage on the metal surfaces, Component wear resulting from reduced viscosity, Impaired performance, or failure of hydraulic systems that may manifest as issues like cavitation, erratic control operation, loss of precision control, and vibrations.

Many hydraulic systems incorporate a reservoir to facilitate the settling of contaminant particles or the release of entrapped air bubbles generated during system operation. However, if the oil's air release capability is insufficient, the lubricant may rise with air bubbles and escape from the system.

The presence of bubbles in the oil imparts a spongy texture and hampers the ability of hydraulic oils to counteract pressure increases. This translates to a reduction in the efficiency of the hydraulic system, ultimately resulting in increased costs. This situation can have severe consequences, particularly in scenarios where hydraulics play a crucial role in emergency operations, such as hydraulic shutdown valves or tripping systems. For instance, emergency stop valves in a steam turbine are specifically engineered to close within milliseconds.

Air bubbles not only disrupt heat transfer and reduce the cooling efficiency of the oil in equipment but, under high pressure, they can also generate elevated temperatures. This acceleration of the reaction between air and oil components promotes the oxidation process, resulting in the production of more acids, and heightened corrosion within the interior parts, compromising the quality of the oil. Ultimately, this can lead to a shortened service life of the oil.Cavitation wear and micro diesel damage are two common damages in hydraulic systems that occur in the presence of air bubbles.